
Community health workers are frontline public health workers who have an intimate understanding of the community they serve. This relationship enables them to serve as liaisons between health or social services and the community to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery.

Community health workers also build individual and community capacity by increasing health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, 社区教育, 非正式咨询, social support and advocacy (American 公共卫生 Association, 2008).


Community health workers and public health workers are employable in a wide variety of settings including local public health departments, 社会服务机构, 非营利组织, 刑事司法系统, 公共政策, 政府, 长期护理, 学校, 研究能力, 管理角色等.

The community health worker serves as a bridge between the community and the health care, 政府和社会服务体系.

What types of job duties may I have as a community health worker? 


  • 帮助个人, 家庭, groups and communities develop their capacity and access to resources including health insurance, 食物, 住房, 优质护理和健康信息 
  • Facilitating communication and client empowerment in interactions with health care and social service systems 
  • Helping health care and social service systems become culturally relevant and responsive to their service population 
  • Educating people so they can understand health condition(s) and develop strategies to improve their health and well being 
  • Building understanding and social capital to support healthier behaviors and lifestyle choices 
  • Delivering health information using culturally appropriate terms and concepts 
  • 将人们与卫生保健和社会服务PG电子APP联系起来 
  • 提供非正式的咨询、支持和跟进 
  • 倡导满足地方卫生需求 
  • 对慢性病患者进行家访, 孕妇, 哺乳期妇女, 健康问题高危人群和老年人 


Many people want to help others by making a difference in the lives of people in their community. This degree allows you to do that by teaching you how to form meaningful relationships with clients, 家庭, 组织和大型系统. 由于人口老龄化日益严重, there will be an increased demand for community-based services, thus making the community health worker highly valued and marketable. In addition, this is a very versatile degree that allows you to work in a variety of settings. It also prepares students for graduate school as you transition into Master’s degree programs in 公共卫生, 社会工作, 社区咨询, 公共管理及相关领域. 

What areas of specialization or concentration do you offer at PG电子APP? 

我们提供老年学专业, 公共卫生, 人类服务, 妇女健康和保健业务. Each area is available to students working toward a minor, certificate or bachelor’s degree.


Students often need a certain number of elective credits to complete their program. Our concentrations offer them the opportunity to focus on specific areas and earn a minor in the process. The distinction will appear on your transcript and resume and set you apart from other applicants when applying for future employment opportunities. It also provides another specialized skill set that will allow you to provide the best patient- and client-centered care.


There are many reasons someone may want to consider earning a certificate. 如果你已经有了学位, certificates offer you the opportunity to further your knowledge and skills in a specific area. This can help you gain new responsibilities or earn a promotion at your current place of employment or allow you to successfully pursue a new job. Holding a certificate sets you apart from others and promotes your abilities.