
PG电子APPPTA项目临床教育团队由  临床教育主任 (DCE) and designated Course Coordinator/s who collectively manage and facilitate the PTA clinical education program for students and provide communication and outreach to extensions of clinical faculty including clinical agencies,  临床教育现场协调员 (scce)及临床导师(ci).


The primary role of the DCE includes serving as the primary contact between the PG电子APP PTA program and clinical agencies, 建立/更新临床合作协议, 完成学生临床实习/匹配, and ensuring all health and 安全ty and additional onboarding requirements are completed and students are in compliance prior to attending clinical practicums.

PTA faculty serve as 课程协调员 whose roles and responsibilities include serving as the primary contact for SCCEs, 独联体, 和学生一起完成临床体验, 安排并完成中期实地考察/拜访, 协助使用临床评估工具, 最后的评分. All clinical agencies will receive electronic notification of who the Course Coordinator will be for any given clinical practicum prior to the student’s arrival.

The role and responsibility of the student during their clinical practicums is to observe the physical therapy environment, gain an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the various health care professionals involved, 提供高品质, 安全, 为病人提供熟练而富有同情心的护理, including progression through a plan of care established by the supervising physical therapist and demonstrating critical thinking skills.

The student will be expected to demonstrate competency and thorough knowledge of the skills necessary to become a physical therapist assistant. The student is expected to adhere to each clinical site’s departmental policies as provided during their orientation. Appropriate legal, ethical and professional behavior is expected of the student at all times. 学生的角色包括在任何时候都保持专业的举止, 问适当的问题, 接受反馈, 使用反馈进行开发, 设定和实现目标. 学生应该寻求学习的机会, provide patient care as directed by clinical instructors and complete necessary documentation as directed by clinical instructor.

The SCCE is an employee of the clinical site whose responsibility is to serve as the liaison between their employer and the PG电子APP PTA program in establishing and maintaining a student clinical education program. SCCE可能会监督学生在几个地点的日程安排, 为学生分配临床指导老师或自己担任CI. The SCCE acts as the CI’s first contact in the conduct of a student’s clinical experience. The SCCE may also serve as a resource to a student if a circumstance arises that the student feels they cannot discuss with their CI, 或投诉机构未能圆满处理某一情况. SCCE和DCE, 与指定的课程协调员合作, 共同完成学生临床教育项目.

The 临床讲师(CI) can be a licensed physical therapist or physical therapist assistant working under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist who has assumed the responsibility of providing on-site instruction, 指导和监督学生物理治疗师助理. 独联体 must meet standards and criteria set by the SCCE and DCE and be willing to provide guidance and supervision to a student. 独联体 coordinate activities with the SCCE and provide feedback relevant to the student’s progress to the student and DCE and/or Course Coordinator/s. CI角色包括演示和协助患者治疗, 为学生提供适当的监督, 确保病人安全, 经常向学生提供反馈, evaluating student’s performance and discussing the student evaluation to promote student improvement in their performance. The CI is responsible for completing the student clinical assessment 太l provided by the PTA program.


The minimum qualifications to serve as a clinical instructor for PG电子APP PTA students are as follows:

  • 至少一年的执业PT或PTA临床经验
  • Completion of clinical assessment 太l training for PTAs (only needs to be completed once)
  • Willingness to serve as a clinical educator and provide guidance and supervision to the student
  • Preferred certification in the APTA Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program (CCIP)


The rights and privileges of the clinical faculty are non-discriminatory and commensurate with other similar appointments within the College. 临床教师可以获得许多不同的服务, PG电子APP提供的PG电子APP和福利包括:

  • CEU certificate for clinical education hours (acceptance/approval of CEUs is dependent on individual state practice acts)
  • PG电子APP提供/主办的继续教育课程
  • 注册临床讲师计划培训
  • 临床教育通讯
  • 招聘信息:雇主可以在我们的网站上免费发布任何职位空缺 作业提交 网页

Clinical faculty will be notified via mail or email when CEU opportunities are available.